Thursday, July 22, 2010


Becca checking out her groovy cool swimsuit....such a babe
Gramma psyching herself out to get in the water!!!
And she's up!!
Becca holding the flag up for Gramma
Becca got freaked out when Grampa threw Gramma out of the Boat (to Wake Board) so she came out to rescue me! It was all better afterwards!
Becca loved swimming with her Grampa!
The 2 Beautiful Pregnant Ma Ma's!!
Daddy and his New Wake Board!!! He Loves it!

Becca went to an Fund raiser activity for her Bestfriend Tyler, and they had adorable ponys there! Becca was in Heaven!
Here is Tyler and Becca playing cars! You can tell he loves the camera! Becca is just inthralled with the cars!

Here is Elise in her cool Super Coup......she loved staring at the cell phone.......I wonder if she thought if she stared at it long enough it would come to her!!! Silly girl!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Getting Elise in her Blessing Gown that Evelyn and Gwen made! she was having a good time talking to Gramma Dame and Mommy

Blue eyed little Doll!

Gramma Gwen Mommy and Gramma Dame
Gramma Hillstead Mommy and Gramma Dame
Daddy and Mommy and my Big Smiley face!
Uncle Justin, Auntie Nina Grampa Hillstead Mommy, Daddy Gramma Hillstead, Gramma and Granpa Great Hillstead Auntie Elisha and Becca
Uncle Brooks, Nixon and Daddy!
Auntie Cristie, Uncle Brooks, Nixon and Daddy and Mommy
Daddy and Mommy and Elise
Auntie Nina and Auntie Elisha with future cousins in there tummys!!
Trevor and Uncle Justin
4 Generations! Gramma Hillstead , Mommy Great Gramma Hillstead and me!
Auntie Elisha, Mommy and Auntie Nina
Gramma Hillstead, Auntie Elisha, Mommy, and Auntie Nina
Grampa and Granma Hillstead
Ready for the 4th

Daddy and Nina at the cabin we rented in Tamarak

Breakfast Brunch the day before the 4th

Grampa with his little girl
The Sisters

Mom and Her Girls
Bry and Joan at Golf Course at Tamarak

In line at the IceCream Alley
Gramma with her Boo
Grampa with Boo going on the boat with the Dames
Rebecca being Patriotic
Elise in her 4th of July dress

Todds Cousin Jenny with Mia and Todd and Elise
Rebecca on the beach

Okay thats a smore!!! YUM!
Gramma with her smiley Elise!
Thats a Huge Marshmellow!
Smiley Face Becca!
King size Marshmellow!!!

Okay Chubby Bunny Time and Trvor was the winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grampa with Rebecca looking for flowers!

At Firework show in Donnely