Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas in St.George

For Christmas this year the Hillstead gang headed to St. George to have Christmas with Elisha, Tom and Becca. Joel and Rosemary also came up from Arizona with Tyler and Nina. We had a wonderful time watching movies, going hiking, playing with Becca and of course eating a ton.A typical holiday tradition:
Our little Bo:
Grandpa and Bo playing with her toys:
She LOVED uncle Justin (aka Sully):
The gang at Tuacon:
And of course we had to get pictures with Santa, he was so much cooler once he gave her a candy cane:
Papa and Bo:
The Live Nativity at Tuacon. Becca was enthralled with the real camel and donkey. Everyone was silent during the play and she kept saying "ooooooooooohhhhh!"
Tuacon was all lit up for Christmas, where is the gang:
Auntie Nina did Bo's hair. Here is a shot of her pop eye smile:
Christmas Eve Dinner. Steak and Crab. Yummy!!!
We got a great deal on these fabulous shirts, only Mel is missing from the gang:
Christmas Eve:
Bo had to chip in and tell her version of the Night Before Christmas with Grandpa:
Getting all of Becca's presents set up for Christmas morning. She LOVED her lady bug tent!
Becca getting her Christmas Presents:
Bry and I gave her a doll set with a stroller, high chair, and bassinet. She thought they were for her to sit in and learned after they collapsed that they were for her doll.
Grandma and Grandpa Hillstead opening their presents:
Lee had to open up most of Becca's presents because she was so overwhelmed with all her new toys:
Grandma and Becca hiding out in the new tent:
The girls prepping for Christmas dinner in the Christmas aprons:
Becca helping out in the kitchen. Funny thing is that we have the same picture of Nina doing the same thing when she was about Becca's age.